Berapa Lamakah Tempoh "Masa Kecederaan" untuk Proses Refinance Rumah Selesai ??

Tatkala aku tulis entri tentang refinance rumah, banyak soalan dari para pembaca berbunyi "Lama ke proses nak refinance rumah ni?"

Aku tak tau la pengalaman orang lain, tapi bagi aku yng mengalami sendiri proses nak refinance rumah ni, aku boleh cakap "target la 6 bulan ke atas". Aku sign LO pada Mei 2013 dan hingga ke hari ini 19 Disember 2013, duit refinance tu tak masuk-masuk lagi.

Banyak kerenah-kerenah (atau orang jawa cakap "Hanki - Panki" or "Hiccup") sepanjang proses refinance ni. Antaranya:

  • Banker / lawyer tak jawab call / email kita.
  • Banker / lawyer tak update problem yang melambatkan proses.
  • Lawyer resign.
  • Surat full settlement dari bank lama sudah expired selepas 3 bulan.
dan banyak lagi yang korang boleh baca dari rantaian email di bawah.

Pesan aku kepada yang ingin membuat refinance rumah:

  • Jangan la seperti "Mendengar guruh di langit, air tempayan dicurahkan". Simpan duit sedia ada, jangan boros. Jangan jadi macam aku dalam kisah entri ini.
  • Yang bercadang nak guna duit refinance untuk kahwin, disarankan at least setahun sebelum kahwin korang dah apply. Bukan lagi 2 bulan nak kahwin, baru sibuk nak buat refinance.
  • Pastikan korang simpan rekod perbualan korang dengan banker/lawyer, sebab apa yang diorang cakap kadang-kadang tak sama dengan apa yang diorang buat.
Di bawah adalah email lengkap (dari bulan April 2013 hingga Disember 2013) kisah refinance aku melibatkan aku, bank baru, bank lama dan lawyer. 


p/s: Ada maklumat seperti nama bank, lawyer, email terlibat di"hidden"kan bagi keselamatan sejagat. 


From: {faridfahmi}
{“Staff Bank”}
{faridfahmi 2};{faridfahmi 3}

Subject: Supporting doc for Refinance S/A House ( MOHD FARID MOHD FAHMI)
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 22:54:06 +0800

Hi {“Staff Bank”},
 Please refer my doc as requested:
1. ASB loan offer letter - 3 loans total RM 180K
2. PL offer letter bank islam RM114K

also please refer my investment statement as additional supporting doc.
1. ASB dividen statement 2012
2. Share cert
3. Shares in CIMB iTrade

{“Staff Bank”}
{faridfahmi 2};{faridfahmi 3}
Subject: RE: Supporting doc for Refinance S/A House ( MOHD FARID MOHD FAHMI)
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2013 13:54:00 +0800

Hi {“Staff Bank”},
Have you received my doc?

From: {faridfahmi}
Sent: 18 April 2013 07:57
To: {“Staff Bank”}
{faridfahmi 3}; Mohd Farid Mohd Fahmi
Subject: Re: Supporting doc for Refinance S/A House ( MOHD FARID MOHD FAHMI)

Dear Mr {“Staff Bank”},
 Any update on my refinance application?

Sent from my iPad

From:{faridfahmi 2}
{“Staff Bank”}

Subject: RE: Supporting doc for Refinance S/A House ( MOHD FARID MOHD FAHMI)
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2013 04:44:40 +0000

Hi {“Staff Bank”},

Good day to you. Any good news for me?



Subject: RE: Supporting doc for Refinance S/A House ( MOHD FARID MOHD FAHMI)
Date: Wed, 8 May 2013 15:41:08 +0800
Dear Mr {“Staff Bank”},

Good day to you. I try to call you since 2/5/2013 but still unreachable.
Anyway, may I know what is my application status?



{“Staff Bank”}
{faridfahmi 3}{faridfahmi 2}
Subject: RE: Supporting doc for Refinance S/A House ( MOHD FARID MOHD FAHMI)
Date: Thu, 9 May 2013 16:28:04 +0800
Hi {“Staff Bank”},

Sorry for interupting you. Any update for me?


-farid -

-------- Original message --------
From: Mohd Farid Mohd Fahmi <
Date: 10/05/2013 4:43 PM (GMT+08:00)
To: {“Staff Bank”} <{“Staff Bank”}>
{faridfahmi 3},{faridfahmi 2}
Subject: RE: Supporting doc for Refinance S/A House ( MOHD FARID MOHD FAHMI)
Hi {“Staff Bank”},

Sorry for interupting you. Any update for me?


-farid -


Date: Mon, 13 May 2013 10:51:11 +0800
Subject: RE: Supporting doc for Refinance S/A House ( MOHD FARID MOHD FAHMI)
{“Staff Bank”}
Hi Mr. Farid,

Sorry for replying late. Good news..Your application had been approved.  I'll proceed to generate the offer letter. May I know when you will be back from offshore?


{“Staff Bank”}
Subject: RE: Supporting doc for Refinance S/A House ( MOHD FARID MOHD FAHMI)
Date: Mon, 13 May 2013 11:13:58 +0800

Dear {“Staff Bank”},

Thank you for that good news.
Can you scan to me the LO for my review?

FYI, I will be back to KL on 22/5.



-------- Original message --------
From: Mohd Farid Mohd Fahmi <
Date: 15/05/2013 3:42 PM (GMT+08:00)
To: {“Staff Bank”} <{“Staff Bank”}>
Subject: RE: Supporting doc for Refinance S/A House ( MOHD FARID MOHD FAHMI)
Dear {“Staff Bank”},

Good day. Have the LO ready?
Can you scan and email to me?
I need to check the loan T & C before agree with the offer 
(i.e. total loan amount, home loan flexi term daily rest, loan tenure, interest rate, ZEC (legal fee & MRTA absorbed in loan??) etc..


-farid -  

Date: Wed, 15 May 2013 16:40:15 +0800
Subject: RE: Supporting doc for Refinance S/A House ( MOHD FARID MOHD FAHMI)
{“Staff Bank”}
Ya..the offer letter is ready already..I'll email to you 1st thing tomorrow morning.


-------- Original message --------
From: Mohd Farid Mohd Fahmi <
Date: 17/05/2013 12:06 PM (GMT+08:00)
To: {“Staff Bank”} <{“Staff Bank”}>
Subject: RE: Supporting doc for Refinance S/A House ( MOHD FARID MOHD FAHMI)
Hi {“Staff Bank”},

Sorry to interrupt you but I still don't receive the LO copy.
Can you forward to me now?


Date: Fri, 17 May 2013 13:31:31 +0800
Subject: RE: Supporting doc for Refinance S/A House ( MOHD FARID MOHD FAHMI)
{“Staff Bank”}
Sorry mr farid. I had already ask my colleague to help email you the offer letter. Kindly check to see whether you have received it. If haven't I'll get him to resend again


{“Staff Bank”}
Subject: Valuer arrangement to visit my home @ S/A ( MOHD FARID MOHD FAHMI)!!
Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2013 16:06:31 +0800
Dear Mr {“Staff Bank”},
Please arrange the valuer to visit my house on 20/6/2013 (Thursday).


-------- Original message --------
From: Mohd Farid Mohd Fahmi <
Date: 11/06/2013 11:20 AM (GMT+08:00)
To: {“Staff Bank”} <{“Staff Bank”}>
Subject: RE: Valuer arrangement to visit my home @ S/A ( MOHD FARID MOHD FAHMI)!!


Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 14:09:34 +0800
Subject: RE: Valuer arrangement to visit my home @ S/A ( MOHD FARID MOHD FAHMI)!!
{“Staff Bank”}
Sorry for replying late. The valuer can't make it on 20th as valuation will at later stage of the loan process.  I will keep you updated on the progress. Will arrange for the valution when you are back to KL. 

-------- Original message --------
From: Mohd Farid Mohd Fahmi <
Date: 13/06/2013 2:44 PM (GMT+08:00)
To: {“Staff Bank”} <{“Staff Bank”}>
Subject: RE: Valuer arrangement to visit my home @ S/A ( MOHD FARID MOHD FAHMI)!!
Dear {“Staff Bank”},

Thank you for responding. For this trip, I will be in KL from 19 till 28 June 2013, if valuer want to come.


{“Staff Bank”}
Subject: RE: Valuer arrangement to visit my home @ S/A ( MOHD FARID MOHD FAHMI)!!
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 18:44:28 +0800
Dear Mr {“Staff Bank”},

When will {“THE BANK”} disburse money to my acc?



{“Staff Bank”}
Subject: RE: When will bank disburse $$$ for my refinance?? (FARID S/A)
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 10:44:21 +0800
Dear {“Staff Bank”},

I am still waiting your respond on above matter.
When will it happen? LO sign since May 2013 and you promised in 2 months everything can settle.




On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 7:57 AM, Mohd Farid Mohd Fahmi <{faridfahmi}> wrote:
Dear {“Lawyer Bank”}
As per our conversation last Wed, I am still waiting email from you on chronology of event (complete with date) of my refinance application.
I want to know in writing what you have done so far until I can get the money.

Please response ASAP. Last time I met you in May/Jun during doc signing, you said everything can settle in 2 months but now what happen.

Dear {“Staff Bank”},
FYI. Hope you can remind “Lawyer HxxC” on this.



Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 08:12:47 +0800
Subject: Re: When will bank disburse $$$ for my refinance?? (FARID S/A)
{“Lawyer Bank”}
“Company Lawyer email”;{“Staff Bank”}

Dear Mr. Farid,

We are in order now to advise for redemption sum already after we lodge a private caveat on the Property to secure the interest of {“THE BANK”}. 

We will let you know next week when the advise for drawdown is handed to {“THE BANK”}.

We note your urgency and will expedite as much as we can.

We regret for any inconvenience caused. Sincere apologies.

{“Lawyer Bank”}


On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 12:05 AM, 
Mohd Farid Mohd Fahmi <{faridfahmi}> wrote:
Dear {“Lawyer Bank”}

Any good news for me?
Anyway, I really appreciate if you can provide chronology date of the process. I need to track the progress for my record.

p/s: Sorry for troublesome you. Past experience with lawyer before this (other cases), make me so particular about this.



On 5 Sep 2013, at 10:48, "" <{“Lawyer Bank”}> wrote:
Dear Mr. Farid,

We are compiling the things for advise of the redemption sum. Estimated by early or mid next week our advice will be in. We will try our best to expedite for you as much as we can.

We appreciate your e-mail and close follow ups.

{“Lawyer Bank”}

On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 10:04 PM, Mohd Farid Mohd Fahmi <{faridfahmi}> wrote:
Dear {“Lawyer Bank”}

Good day to you. 
Any good update for me? 
Your email dated 5/9/13 said, advise of redemption sum will be in within a week. I assume it should be within 8-14/9/13.
Now already 17/9/13 and appreciate some update from you.



On 18 Sep 2013, at 21:05, "" <{“Lawyer Bank”}> wrote:
Dear Mr. Farid,

We regret to inform that as we were prepared to advise the bank for release of the redemption sum, we realise that the last date to pay the redemption sum is expiring.  To avoid further complication to the matter, we are requesting for a fresh redemption statement. Other than that, everything is in order. 

So, now we just need to wait for {“Existing Financing Bank”} to forward us the fresh redemption statement and then around 5 days, the bank will release the redemption sum.

We will chase wherever and whenever we could to expedite the matter.

Please be advised.


{“Lawyer Bank”}

On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 9:23 AM, Mohd Farid Mohd Fahmi <{faridfahmi}> wrote:
Dear {“Lawyer Bank”}

From here, now how long it take for me to get money?
By 30 sept, can i see cash in my account? Urgently required.



Sent from my iPad

Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 14:34:58 +0800
Subject: Re: When will bank disburse $$$ for my refinance?? (FARID S/A)
{“Lawyer Bank”}
{“Staff Bank”}

Dear Mr.Farid,

Apologies for the late reply as I was very sick few days back, suspected Denggi.

Please be informed that we are still waiting for the fresh redemption statement from {“Existing Financing Bank”}. You may assist to chase them to issue us the fresh one soonest possible. We must advise for redemption sum first and once it is paid to Am Islamic Bank, we will need them to release the original documents i.e . title, duplicate charge, etc. At that stage, will need your assistance to chase them to expedite.

Please do not mistaken that we cannot do the chasing but since you are the Borrower, it would just assist us further.

Looking at the circumstances, we fear that by 30th September is highly unlikely. However, we may be hopeful that you will get your money by the second week or third week of October.


{“Lawyer Bank”}

From: {faridfahmi}
{“Lawyer Bank”}“Company Lawyer email”
{“Staff Bank”}
Subject: RE: When will bank disburse $$$ for my refinance?? (FARID S/A)
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 18:35:54 +0800
Dear {“Lawyer Bank”}
Sorry to hear about your health condition, hope everything is good.

BTW, can you scan and email to me the letter when you request for fresh statement? Who's the {“Existing Financing Bank”} focal person that you contact?

I am not happy with the news. 
Last time, you said I can get money before Hari Raya Aidilfitri, now it seems after Hari Raya AidilADHA also, the process is still long way to go.


From: {faridfahmi}
{“Lawyer Bank”}“Company Lawyer email”
{“Staff Bank”}
Subject: RE: When will bank disburse $$$ for my refinance?? (FARID S/A)
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2013 08:38:18 +0800
Dear {“Lawyer Bank”} 

Good day.

Now already second week of Oct 2013. 
Your last email said I can get money by second week.

Any update?


{“Lawyer Bank”}“Company Lawyer email”
{“Staff Bank”}
Subject: RE: When will bank disburse $$$ for my refinance?? (FARID S/A)
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2013 12:37:15 +0800

Dear {“Lawyer Bank”}
Good day. Any good news for me?



On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 10:32 PM, Mohd Farid Mohd Fahmi <{faridfahmi}> wrote:

Dear {“Lawyer Bank”}

Good day to you.
Any good news for me? Now already 3rd week of Oct 2013.



Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 00:07:17 +0800
Subject: Re: When will bank disburse $$$ for my refinance?? (FARID S/A)
{“Lawyer Bank”}
“Company Lawyer email”; {“Staff Bank”}

Dear Mr. Farid,

The first disbursement has been released as of today. We will arrange the payment to be sent to {“Existing Financing Bank”} by this week. Thereafter, we wish that the bank can release the original security documents soonest possible to enable us to proceed further with the second disbursement.

Please be advised.

{“Lawyer Bank”}

From: {faridfahmi}
{“Lawyer Bank”}
“Company Lawyer email”;{“Staff Bank”}
Subject: RE: When will bank disburse $$$ for my refinance?? (FARID S/A)
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 07:50:52 +0800
Dear {“Lawyer Bank”}

Thank you very much. Good progress as per planned.
Hope this delay can be settled very soon.



On 6 Nov, 2013, at 5:33 pm, 
Mohd Farid Mohd Fahmi <{faridfahmi}> wrote:
Dear {“Lawyer Bank”}

Good day. 
2 weeks already pass. When will the 2nd disbursement take place? 



CC: “Company Lawyer email”{“Staff Bank”}
{“Lawyer Bank”}
Subject: Re: When will bank disburse $$$ for my refinance?? (FARID S/A)
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2013 18:26:49 +0800
Dear Mr. Farid,

Awaiting for original documents to come back from {“Existing Financing Bank”}. Once received will update you.


On Nov 20, 2013, at 8:46, "Mohd Farid Mohd Fahmi" <{faridfahmi}> wrote:
Dear {“Existing Financing Bank”},

Above subject refer. 
May I know what is the status of the release of original security document to {“THE BANK”} and discharge of charge/receipt & reassignment? have {“Existing Financing Bank”} executed that?

Full settlement of outstanding has been disbursed by {“THE BANK”} to {“Existing Financing Bank”} on 23/10/2013.

But {“THE BANK”} hold the 2nd disbursement (i.e. my refinance cash out) until you release all security document.

Appreciate you to expedite this matter.
I desperately need cash money  



From: {faridfahmi} [mailto:{faridfahmi 2}]
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 2:29 PM
To: {“Existing Financing Bank”} Affiliate desk
Cc: Mohd Farid Mohd Fahmi
Subject: Re: Full settlement  house loan (ref no: 829-517-xxxxxx)
Dear {“Existing Financing Bank”}, 

Any update?

Sent from my iPhone

From: {“Existing Financing Bank”}
Sent: 21 November 2013 17:27
To: {faridfahmi}
Cc: Mohd Farid Mohd Fahmi; {“Existing Financing Bank”} Affiliate desk; {faridfahmi}
Subject: RE: Full settlement  house loan (ref no: 829-517-xxxxxx)
Dear Tahar,

We have inform {“LAWYER BANK”} the doc ready for collection.


From: {faridfahmi}
Sent: 21 November 2013 18:37
To: {“Existing Financing Bank”}
Cc: Mohd Farid Mohd Fahmi; {“Existing Financing Bank”} Affiliate desk
Subject: RE: Full settlement  house loan (ref no: 829-517-xxxxxx)
Dear En Husni / En Tahar,

Thanks for responding. 

1. When you said {“LAWYER BANK”} can collect the doc, does it mean {“Existing Financing Bank”} has executed discharge of charge of the original document?
2. Since the full payment has been made, have  payroll being informed to stop my salary deduction for monthly loan installment?
3. If any excess in payment what is the process for me to get back the refund.



From: {faridfahmi}
Sent: 25 November 2013 16:18
To: {“Existing Financing Bank”}
Cc: Mohd Farid Mohd Fahmi; {“Existing Financing Bank”} Affiliate desk
Subject: RE: Full settlement  house loan (ref no: 829-517-xxxxxx)

Dear {“Existing Financing Bank”}

Any update on my enquiry? 

p/s: Ignore Question #2. installment via salary deduction has been stopped for payslip of nov 2013.




From: {“Existing Financing Bank”}
Sent: 29 November 2013 10:14
To: {faridfahmi};
Cc: Mohd Farid Mohd Fahmi; {“Existing Financing Bank”} Subject: RE: Full settlement  house loan (ref no: 829-517-xxxxxx)
Dear Mr Farid,

Your document already executed and collected by {“LAWYER BANK”} on 27/11/13


On 3 Dec 2013, at 15:44, "{faridfahmi}" <{faridfahmi 2}> wrote:
Dear {“Lawyer Bank”}

Any update on 2nd/final disbursement?
I was informed by {“EXISTING FINANCING BANK”} that you have collected the doc on 27/11/13 (refer email below).

What is the progress at Land office? How fast I can get the money?



On Dec 5, 2013, at 13:05, "" <{“Lawyer Bank”}> wrote:
Dear Mr. Farid,

Please call office for Ms. {Secretary} for the latest update as I have left the company already.



CC: {faridfahmi 2}
Subject: Re: When will bank disburse $$$ for my refinance?? (FARID S/A)
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2013 12:49:16 +0800
{“Staff Bank”}
Hi {“Staff Bank”}. 

Good day. Yesterday u said, bank can release money by next week rite? Pls reply my email n put it in writing. & pls follow up my cheque book. I Still dont get it. 

Tq - farid

Sent from my iPhone 

On Dec 10, 2013, at 14:29, "Mohd Farid Mohd Fahmi" <{faridfahmi}> wrote:
Dear {“Staff Bank”},

Good day.
I am still waiting your response on this matter.
You said by Monday (yesterday), lawyer will settle with Land Office and will advise bank to disburse.
Today already Tuesday but still I don't any news from you or lawyer.

Please respond.
If you cannot respond, pls get lawyer to respond. I try to call lawyer but still unreachable.

p/s: Don't forget my cheque book.


From: {faridfahmi 2}
{“Staff Bank”}
Subject: Re: When will bank disburse $$$ for my refinance?? (FARID S/A)
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2013 02:50:54 +0000
Resend. Still no response from u.

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 14, 2013, at 9:45, "Mohd Farid Mohd Fahmi" <{faridfahmi}> wrote:
Dear Ms {Secretary} ({“LAWYER CO.”}),

I was informed that {“LAWYER BANK”} has handed over my case to you before he resigned.

I called your office everyday since last Friday (6/12/13), but you are not reachable.
Every day, I leave message to your office secretary, but you never return my call.

Dear {“Staff Bank”} {“THE BANK”},

Everytime I call you, you said "I call you back!". What the hell?
On the phone, you said everything are OK. 
Can settle very fast / land office can issue receipt in 2 days / cheque book is ready, will send to my home bla..bla..bla. 
But when I ask you to reply my email and put your say on writing, you don't dare.

I went to branch yesterday 330 pm, looking for you and I want to collect cheque book. 
You know what the staff at {“THE BANK”} kepong branch said, " Luckily you come. {“Staff Bank”} never request me to do your cheque book!!!" 
What are you doing? 

Please respond.



From: {faridfahmi}
To: “Company Lawyer email”; {“Staff Bank”}; {“Lawyer Bank”}
CC: {faridfahmi 2}
Subject: RE: When will bank disburse $$$ for my refinance?? (FARID S/A)
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2013 09:58:13 +0800
Dear {“Lawyer Secretary”},
Good day. Thanks for pick up my call this morning.

My name is MOHD FARID BIN MOHD FAHMI (IC: 810420-xx-xxxx).

As per our conversation this morning (17/12/13), you said:

1. All matter related with Land Office has settled. Land Office already issued the presentation receipt. When?
2. Lawyer now can advise bank to release the money at any time, pending on lawyer side.
3. Cannot advise bank today as Lawyer in charge {“Lawyer Name”} are on MC?

Therefore, I seek your help to acknowledge (in writing) the info above.
And also please get your lawyer to advise bank ASAP.
I am sick with all promise given by {“Resigned Lawyer ”} last time.

Bank already charged me on legal fee of RM 8587.51 on 23 OCT 2013, but until now my case are still not settled.
How come bank can pay for legal fee for unfinished business.??

Please read this lengthy email to not why I so disappointed about this.



From: {faridfahmi}
To: {“lawyer bank”}
CC: {“banker”}
Subject: Attn to: {“New Lawyer”}{“Secretary”}
à (Update for Farid's case)
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2013 09:15:04 +0800

Dear {“New Lawyer”}{“Secretary”}

Referring to my email yesterday, appreciate your update on this matter.
Hope you can advise bank to disburse the money today.



From: {faridfahmi}
To: {“lawyer bank”}
CC: {“banker”}
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2013 16:39:25 +0800
Subject: RE: Attn to: {“New Lawyer”}{“Secretary”}  --> (Update for Farid's case)

Dear {“New Lawyer”}

Good afternoon. Since you said lawyer already advise the bank on 18/12/13 to release the money, appreciate if you can put it in writing by replying this email.

I need black and white from your side to push the bank, as all these time, bank said all delay are from your side.

Your assistance is sought.



Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2013 17:05:18 +0800
From: {“New Lawyer”}


Dear Mr Mohd Farid,


As informed this afternoon, please be informed that we had advised on 18/12/2013 for the balance loan sum be released by portal online to {“THE BANK”}.

Please find attached the advise letter for release for your reference. Thank you.

Warm regards,
{“New Lawyer”}



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